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Sunday, October 05, 2003

It's a "long weekend" here in Seedny.ie Mon is a public holiday, which I am rostered on to work. However I am off today, which meant I was out making the most of the great festivals which are on at the moment - the Manly jazz festival (free jazz, nice food, lots of happy dogs, grannies and kids out strolling among the pine trees) and the Darling Harbour Fiesta (free Latin bands, although it is still too cold to wear any of the skimpy garments required to look good in doing salsa, and I see I will have to cultivate more friends who like to dance).

My flatmate Rebecca has her 76 year old gran visiting, which means she is required to call home if she is out late to reassure gran that she is safe. (One forgets the luxury of not being accountable to one's parents when one is living away from home - see, it's not just Chinese parents). When I got home tonight, Bec's gran commented that I looked no older than 16 going on 17. I could have hugged her - after feeling rather dowdy among the svelte young things raging in Darling Harbour tonight, it's nice to know that one appears young at least from the perspective of some people......

email me: piokiwi@yahoo.com.au

Piokiwi 12:41 am

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