Sunday, November 16, 2003
How depressing...this afternoon I went off to work in the Children's Emergency Dept smartly dressed in the All Black jersey, and ....we lost the World Cup semifinal against our archrivals Australia. I won't even mention the score, it was so depressing. And all this when NZ are supposed to be their strongest ever.
Of course what made it worse was, as I was proudly displaying my national allegiance in a foreign (enemy :)) country I kept being disturbed by nurses poking their head in to gloat over the latest score (someone had brought a video projector in, connected it to the TV and set it up on an iv trolley to beam onto the nearest X-ray screen. The parents didn't mind - they were watching it too.) In the end I had to resort to the good old "go away, I'm busy saving lives" strategem.
Arrgh. what went wrong??!!!
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Piokiwi 2:56 am